Calling all LD2 PCs to help with the Bill Gates Recall
The recall has officially started as of 3/23/23. We have 120 days to collect 120,000 signatures approximately.
Please visit this site to sign up for locations/dates to man a signing station or you can also donate to the cause. It takes a lot of resources, dedication, teamwork and committed attitudes to succeed.
We have divided LD2 (100% BOS3) into 3 groups of 16 precincts each. Please let Debbie Curtis, Vicki Lyman and/or Ana Sanchez know if you can help. We will have petitions to sign on Monday at the LD2 meeting as well.
Northern LD2-Vicki Lyman
Western LD2–Debbie Curtis
Eastern LD2—Ana 480-217-9881
You can help by emailing, calling or texting voters, canvassing walk lists or manning signing stations. Or by donating if you can.
Thank you patriots
Mark Beach