James O’Keefe to Speak at MCRC Lincoln Day Event

James O’Keefe will be the keynote speaker at this family-friendly event honoring Our Lincoln and Reagan Award Recipients and All Star Precinct Committeemen!

Please save Saturday, April 29th on your calendars for the Lincoln Day Lunch: Great Maricopa County All American Stars and Stripes Barbecue Extravaganza!

There are many other surprises planned.

Ticket prices will be significantly reduced in cost from last year to make the event available to as many as possible.

The Maricopa County Republican Committee is partnering with Bonnie Ebstyne and Patriots of Arizona in coordinating the event, and they are in need of some volunteers to help with: fundraising and donations, event sponsorships, security and parking logistics and more. Please reach out to [email protected] or [email protected] if you are able to help with the event.

More details and ticket sale information coming soon!

Thank you,

Craig Berland
MCRC Chairman

link to MCRC Article

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